Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's day was bittersweet for me. Sweet because of my kids and my friends cheering me for being a good mommy. Bitter because the person who created the kids with me couldn't even acknowledge, or was too busy thinking of himself, that it was mother's day and could of sent a text or something. It's not like he participates at all or appreciates the fact that the children are well taken care of by one sole parent. As much as people don't admit it, everyone wants to be recognized for their accomplishments. I hate to think in such a dreary way, but if something happened to me, I can't help but think who would take care of my children? They have a father, but that father doesn't know how to be a parent. He barely takes care of himself let alone another helpless human being. Practicing selfless love is an action and can't be replaced by money or gifts. I don't understand why people think they can buy a child's love when they've never done a damn thing for them that means something. Birthday and Christmas gifts are trash compared to real action oriented love. Kissing the boo boos, helping with homework, teaching a skill, something that can last and is tangible doesn't compare to a Barbie doll or a truck. How do you convey this to a grown person and how do you keep yourself from becoming the nagging parent or the all the time disciplinarian in the household. I know when I look back at my childhood, I appreciate my mother more and more because of the tangible things she taught me. Not because she bought me the latest gear or trivial things like that. My entire being would be totally different if my mother focused on the "right now wants". Instead she focused on the "future needs" of her children and that's the kind of parent I strive to be. Comment if you feel me on this one.

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