I thought that Cabs were supposed to stop for ladies. Ok lately I have been a little late in picking up my son and need a cab to get to him right away. What is it with these taxis. They wiz right by you with noone in the car going the direction you need to go in. I tried for over 30 minutes to hail each and every cab and they just wizzed right by and I had my child with me. I am not gonna rob you. If anything, I'll give you a better tip cause I'm in a hurry. What is the problem? Is there a number we can call if we think we are being discriminated against by cabs? Why don't they have a camera thing in there car to monitor how much they work? Are they paid by commission or hourly? I don't know, but I really want to find out. They were so rude slowing down and shaking their head, like I got on bloody clothing and a knife with a sign that said "any where" on it. I am no threat and I'm not going to east bad street. I do not get it. I thought this kind of treatment was hidden, but apparently in the taxi world, it still exists. Can we band certain cabs from patrolling our areas if they do not want to comply? Where is the justice people? Where?
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