Monday, January 3, 2011

How do you mend something that was broken

New Years always stirs up feelings of change and hope in us all. At this stage in the game, coping with change and learning to reflect and fix mistakes is crucial in our lives. At this point, with kids, a job, responsibilities and my age, I don't have time to make any more mistakes or fix things that were broken. The most I can hope to do is put a band aid on it, rub some medicine on it and limp the bad times off. I'm not one for making resolutions anymore, cause I don't want to dissapoint myself. I will, however, make goals and try to accomplish them with more gusto in the beginning of the year and die down towards the end.

  1. I want to try to right some wrongs and practice being a more forgiving person. Forgiveness is lacking these days and most people don't practice it enough. We all have our faults and I can't be high and might thinking I don't make mistakes as well. 
  2. I want to be more independent and less dependent on others. I know I'm 75% there, but I'm getting to the point where I don't like being an indentured servant to those that believe they are helping but are actually getting a quid pro quo out of the kindness of their hearts.  I don't feel like sugar coating it anymore and I'm actually becoming more in tune with my needs than with any body else/
  3. Spread the love. Telling people how you feel today rather than waiting for the opportunity later. People don't get it later. If you are mad today, be mad, express yourself and let go. If you are happy, be happy express yourself and live on. People change like the wind and the most you can do is let it carry you and shield yourself from it. You make the choice and don't let it choose you.
As far as "resolutions" go, I think I've made my list as good as it gets. I'm still gonna be pushing forward and I hope to try many new and different things this year. I'll try to eat more veggies and do more exercising but with my impending full course load, I can see alot of late night snacks and all nighters in my future as well. 
Here's to hoping you all have a great year as well!