Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vegetarian cooking 101

As of this week, I am officially bored, but as a precaution to my boredom, I decided to do some cooking and change our lifestyle to a more healthy one. I was once a vegetarian myself, before I even thought about kids. Since my children have alot of allergies, I decided to really streamline their diet and make sure they are getting enough vegetables. What better time to experiment than Vacation Time!. So I organized myself, got out a great vegetarian cook book and went through the recipes to find common ingredients so that we wouldn't waste food and I wouldn't have to buy too much. I looked through my cabinets, eliminated all the things I had all ready and organized a grocery list of items I needed to purchase. After going to Produce Junction and the super market, I had all my items enough for 8 different recipes (one even had a crock pot suggestion, you know I love the all in one cooking). So for the next 8 days, I will embark on a journey to vegetarian dinners for the kids and then for the rest of the time, hopefully we will then feast on the leftovers throughout the rest of the time. After I use the kids as guinea pigs, I'll post the recipes and all ingredients so that maybe someone else can benefit from this experience. I always like to encourage healthy living and giving up meat saves the planet and your gives you a healthy outlook on your life. I'm sure there are more health benefits than this but I just can't think of them right now. Besides, I could stand to lose a couple of pounds while I'm here and I have no excuse about excersing. I've also started an excercise plan. Every day I workout, I sweat, I do something to get my heartrate going. This is going pretty good so far and the healthy eating will benefit my weightloss experience as well.
Tonight is the first night and tonight we will try Sea Vegetable Chowder. This is the recipe with the slow cooker method, so I'm hoping it will be easy. Wish me luck you guys!